Almoner’s Fund
In 2009, 32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry renewed its commitment for caring for each other. We adopted the vision statement:
We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members.
Since that time, a renewed Almoner’s Fund has benefited countless members who faced hardships. Each situation we encounter is unique: some are dire, some are less so. Yet each has a common solution: putting into practice the simple obligation we took kneeling at the sacred altar. We pledged to help, aid, and assist all poor and distressed Master Masons, their widows, and orphans to the best of our ability and within the length of our cable tow.
The Almoner’s Fund is crucial in the fulfillment of our Masonic obligation to care for our Brothers. As such, 32° Freemasonry has raised more than $10,000,000 to be duly prepared to lend support to any member facing a debilitating hardship.
The Scottish Rite Almoner’s Fund also provides hope and assistance to Masons, Masonic families and widows facing unexpected hardships. From hurricanes, floods and fires to medical emergencies, accidents and funerals – the Almoner’s Fund is there to help people in some of their darkest moments.
Take a closer look:
Doing the Rite Thing
The Path Forward
Angel of the Waters
But Then Came All of You
You Were There
Photo: Tammy and Phoenix Bridegroom of Chesterton, IN, part of our Scottish Rite family. Her father, John, is a member of the Scottish Rite.